
Install Remmina

  Remmina will no longer be available as a PPA package after the release of version 1.4.8. An official PPA with Remmina 1.4.7 release can be installed by copying and pasting this in a terminal: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next sudo apt update sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-secret Make sure Remmina is not running. Either close it, reboot, or kill it by pasting this in a terminal: sudo killall remmina List available plugins with  apt-cache search remmina-plugin . By default RDP, SSH and SFTP are installed. To test a daily built development version, do the above, but start with ppa:remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next-daily Debian Permalink

Enable SSH access to ubuntu from the terminal

by using the  Ctrl+Alt+T  keyboard shortcut or by clicking on the terminal icon and install the  openssh-server  package by typing: sudo apt update sudo apt install openssh-server Enter the password when prompted and enter  Y  to continue with the installation. Once the installation is completed, the SSH service will start automatically. To verify that the installation was successful and SSH service is running type the following command which will print the SSH server status: sudo systemctl status ssh You should see something like  Active: active (running)  : Press  q  to get back to the command line prompt. Ubuntu comes with a firewall configuration tool called UFW. If the firewall is enabled on your system, make sure to open the SSH port: sudo ufw allow ssh Now that SSH is installed and running on your Ubuntu system you can connect to it via SSH from any remote machine. Linux and macOS systems have SSH ...

Instalar brightness controller brillo

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apandada1/brightness-controller $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install brightness-controller

monitorizar cpu linux

Los procesadores de ordenador deben trabajar en un rango de temperatura de entre 30º y 70º, más o menos. De todas formas, los procesadores actuales, cuando se sobrecalientan, se apagan automáticamente evitando así quemarse y que se vean afectados también otros componentes del equipo. Los motivos para el sobrecalentamiento son varios pero el más común es la suciedad en los ventiladores y el disipador que no permiten la entrada de aire fresco al equipo y la salida del aire caliente generado en él. No está de más saber a qué temperatura está trabajando nuestro procesador. Si vemos que sobrepasa habitualmente los 70º es conveniente hacer una limpieza de ventiladores / disipador para ayudar a su refrigeración. Si el problema continúa habrá que revisar el procesador y, en su caso, cambiarlo. Vemos ahora como monitorizar la temperatura del procesador en Linux Mint. Pasos: 1.-  Abrimos el  Terminal  e instalamos el paquete  lm-sensors  escribiendo (en Linux Mint 18.x ya...

abrir puerto en cisco ios router

si estoy nateando access-list 100 permit tcp any eq 3389 ip nat inside source static tcp xx.x.x.x 3389 interface gigabitEthernet x/x

Consultar temperatura CPU

sudo apt-get install lm-sensors $ sensors

CHMOD +x , 755 , explicacion

Explanation: Firstly you should know that: +  means add this permission to the other permissions that the file already has. =  means ignore all permissions, set them exactly as I provide. So all of the "read, write, execute, sticky bit, suid and guid" will be ignored and only the ones provided will be set. read = 4, write = 2, execute = 1 Here is the binary logic behind it (if you're interested): Symbolic: r-- -w- --x | 421 Binary: 100 010 001 | ------- Decimal: 4 2 1 | 000 = 0 | 001 = 1 Symbolic: rwx r-x r-x | 010 = 2 Binary: 111 101 101 | 011 = 3 Decimal: 7 5 5 | 100 = 4 / / / | 101 = 5 Owner ---/ / / | 110 = 6 Group ------/ / | 111 = 7 Others ---------/ | Binary to Octal chart Using  +x  you are telling to add ( + ) the executable bit ( x ) to the owner, group and others. it's equal to  ugo+x  or  u+x,g+x,o+x When you d...